How i got my story published and why this became a problem.

Eraldo Guiva
3 min readFeb 13, 2024

I’ve been secretly dedicated to writing for some time now. I’m finishing my first novel and during this period I’ve dedicated myself to studying the market and understanding how things work. It didn’t take long for me to understand the difficulties of making a living as a writer and all the other struggles a writer faces.

The more you get to know the market, the more you understand that the only reason to keep writing is because you have to love the art of writing.

Reading and learning about the industry, I learned that there were many literary contests for publication in magazines and sometimes collections of short stories. The first contest I saw suggested on my instagram explore feed was one about horror stories. I’ve always liked horror stories and especially movies, but writing about horror stories? It’s nice but not the kind of writer I want to be. Stephen King . I love you but it’s nothing personal.

Anyway, I was attracted by the challenge, the deadline was two days away and I liked the idea of writing on deadline. This has become a recurring thing and I particularly don’t recommend anyone becoming that kind of procrastinating writer who waits until the last moment of their deadline.

Already aware of the number of fake and irrelevant contests that exist, I went to take a closer look at the ad itself. First good sign: Free entries. Second good sign: The contest was run by a new publisher company that had already published a few…



Eraldo Guiva

Brazilian. I lived in a couple countries. Essays and Tougths about Culture,History,Japan and Life